Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department teams carried out a fire and rescue drill at Bafra State Hospital in order to raise emergency awareness.

A fire drill was carried out within the scope of HAP (Hospital Disaster Emergency Plan), which is held every year in our hospital.

In this context, theoretical and practical training was given to the personnel regarding what to do during and after an emergency.


In the theoretical training carried out by fire brigades at Bafra State Hospital, the personnel were asked about the causes of fire outbreaks,

How to respond to initial fires, precautions to be taken to prevent fires from breaking out,

He gave information about what to do after a fire and how to report a fire correctly.


Rescue activity was revived.


The teams then carried out the drill in the hospital building, in case of any emergency that might occur, fire extinguishing,

It revived activities to evacuate patients and rescue those trapped.

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